My Writing:
I mainly write historicals and a vamp series called the Argeneaus and I always write with some level of humor . . . mostly because I find life and people in general funny. We're all so contrary in many ways. We spend the first twenty years of our lives impatient to grow up and longing to be older, and the next forty wishing time would stop and we wouldn't age. The grass is definitely always greener for humans and I find that funny.
The Argeneau series explained:
The general story line of my Argeneau series is that there are immortal people living among the mortal population today. They are descendents of an ancient civilization that was advanced technologically to the point that they began to work with bio-engineered nanos as a medical aid to fight disease and repair injuries from inside the body without the need for invasive surgery. These nanos used blood to make repairs and fuel themselves which meant the host needed more blood than a body could supply to support the nanos. In that civilization this was dealt with through transfusions. However, when a series of natural disasters (earthquakes and volcanoes) brought an end to that civilization, only those people the nanos had been tested on survived, and they suddenly found themselves without their advanced technology and joining the rest of the world, which was still in the dark age technologically speaking. Without their much needed blood transfusions, many died, but in others the nanos lived up to their programming to keep the host at their peak condition and forced a sort of evolution on them, bringing on fangs and other skills so that their hosts could get the blood they needed.
That's the background, but my stories are based mostly around one particular family of immortals, the Argeneaus. They are your typical family. I think everyone would recognize at least one member of their own family among this group. My stories tell how each member finds his life mate despite all the good intentioned interference and harassment of their loving family.
Upcoming books:
I have a couple of reissues coming out; Sweet Revenge, an older historical that I’ve been told is hard to find, will come out at the end of November, and The Loving Daylights, a spy novel I wrote as part of the BLISS series, will come out at the end of December.
The Immortal Who Loved Me is scheduled to come out on February 24th, 2015. This is book #21 in the Argeneau series and it’s about Katricia’s father, Basileios Argeneau and newcomer Sherry Carne. Many familiar faces are drawn into this story including the gifted but troubled teenager Stephanie McGill, the infamous Basha Argeneau and Marcus Notte just to name a few. This story starts with a bang and never really slows down so if you like nonstop action then you might like this book.
And I have handed in book #22 in the Argeneau series, Bricker's story, however I don’t have a publication date set for it yet.
Who was your greatest inspiration in helping you develop your writing career?
That would be my mother and a seventh grade teacher. My seventh grade teacher, Mr. Brady, really encouraged my writing and told my mother that if she gave me the least little bit of encouragement, I’d some day be published. She took it to heart and always encouraged me in that area….despite wanting me to be a singer or a lawyer. LOL
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
I often have more than one story on the go so if I get stuck on one then I just switch to the other story. Usually the block is resolved by the time I return to the original one I was writing.
Another option is to head out to a coffee shop. I don’t know why, but for some reason working in a coffee shop or restaurant and writing by hand has always helped kick me out of a block. Personally, I think that’s just my contradictory mind finding it amusing that I’m sitting under the glare of fluorescents, surrounded by truck drivers and police officers (I usually write at night and that’s who’s around at 2 A.M.) and writing a romance, or sometimes even a sex scene. It amuses me and makes me relax and then the writing flows.

I’m sorry… You asked me How do I relax?
I don’t understand the question. LOL Sadly I don’t do much of that.
What is your favorite book?
That would have to be Tick Tock by Dean Koontz. That was the first time I laughed while reading a horror. It stuck with me because of that.
The food you couldn’t live without?
Pizza! Actually I’ll qualify that by saying GOOD pizza because there’s a lot of bad and mediocre pizza out there.
The BEST thing about you?
Jeez… I don’t know. I guess I’d have to say it’s that I love to laugh. I really don’t think we were put here to be miserable, and people and life are just plain funny.
If you weren’t an author what would be your next choice of career?
I enjoyed psychology so I likely would have used my psychology degree one way or another.
Lightning Round:
White wine or red? Rosé… LOL
Coffee or tea? Coffee!
Do you prefer to live in hot weather or cold weather? Don’t like either extreme so I’d have to say mild.
Dog Lover or Cat Fan? Dog Lover!
Sleep in or get up early? That depends on whether I’m writing or not. If I’m writing and therefore up until the wee hours of the morning then out of necessity my answer would be sleep in. Otherwise as long as I’m to bed at a decent hour up early is fine.
Lynsay has Generously offered a signed copy of Sweet Revenge, her new reissue coming out Nov 25th to one LUCKY commenter. In addition, she will also send the winner the pen she signed it with. All you have to do to enter the drawing is answer the question; Lynsay has a very unique writing style that can cause an involuntary reaction in readers… Name it!