Tell us about your book(s)!
I write erotic historical romance set in the Regency period. My books are all dark and emotional and I often explore themes like the healing power of love. My latest release is PLEASURING THE LADY, which is the second book in my The Pleasure Wars series. It came out November 19 and is the story of a spinster trapped by circumstances who secretly goes to an underground masquerade and involves herself with a man who never would have noticed her before. But when they're forced to wed, everything they know and every secret feeling will be tested.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
I always pictured Timothy Olyphant as Miles and Saoirse Ronan as Portia. The girl on the cover actually looks very much like Saoirse Ronan actually.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
I don't really believe in writer's block. Writing is my job and how I pay all my bills, so I have a certain schedule I have to keep to. There are days that are harder than others, but I sit down and write and I find that I will get past the difficulty within a couple of pages. I'm also a plotter, so that always helps me, as well, since I'm not stuck on where the story is going.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
I have come to feel over the years and many, many books that what readers think of my books is really none of my business. I write the best story I can and then I know some people will love it, some people won't. Reviews are for readers, not writers. :)

How do you relax?
Relax? What's that? :) No, I read more than I have been lately. I also play video games, I have shows I watch and we live in Arizona, so I can take walks pretty much year-round. I also enjoy spending time with my nephews, who live near us. They aren't relaxing, but they're fun and they make me forget about everything except having fun with them, which serves the same purpose.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
Never Give Up, Never Surrender.
What is your favorite book?
Oh hard! I have a hard time picking favorites because there are books for every mood and situation. I love Anne of Green Gables, but I also love The Duke and I and I love The Shining. How do I pick a favorite when they're all so different?
Who is your favorite author?
Again, hard! L.M. Montgomery, but see the above answer.
What is your favorite movie?
Same as above, but some of my favorites are Stranger Than Fiction, Finding Nemo, the new Star Trek movies by JJ Abrams and pretty much ALL the recent Marvel superhero movies (Avengers, especially).
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Jennifer Lawrence seems like possibly the coolest person ever. So I'll say J-Law.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
My husband and I went to China in 2008 and it was AMAZING. We went to Shanghai, Xian, and Beijing. We saw so many amazing things and had a great time. We're also considering taking a trip to Paris to see the last stage of the Tour de France (we're big fans) on the Champs.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Oh there are so many. I embarrass my self regularly. I think if you're not embarrassing yourself, you aren't doing anything fun or worth learning from.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? I don't drink, actually.
Coffee or tea? Vanilla Coke Zero. LOL
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Honestly, take out/delivery or eat out. But I do cook about half the time.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Chocolate
Pancakes or eggs? Eggs, I don't eat much wheat, so I miss pancakes.
Sleep in or get up early? I'm a morning person by nature, but I'm starting to get transformed into a night owl since my husband retired early and has been working for home alongside me.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Desktop is my preference. I do most of my promo on my laptop.