Am I a wine connoisseur?
My qualifications for writing this post are: 1) I really like wine and 2) I am hunting for the perfect dry white wine.
I will be honest; my budget doesn’t allow me to spend much on bottles of wine. Heaven knows that there are some out there what could put a serious dent in my paycheck.
I don’t buy those.
I purchase my wines from a local grocery store or Friar Tuck. There was a day that the only wine sold in grocery stores were the really cheap bottles that took up about one row, if that, in the liquor section, which always had far more beer than wine. Those days are gone. At one of the stories I shop the selection has kept me in the wine section for a good amount of time as I chose the bottles I wanted to try. The fear or meat spoiling and dairy going bad has forced me to rush my decision process. There were so many to choose from that I simply couldn’t decide.
When buying wine to enjoy at home it will be a Pinot Grigio, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc. I am a white wine drinker and the dryer the better.
I have tried reds but I can’t say I like them. I blame it on drinking too much cheap red wine once upon a time and the aftermath has ruined me forever.
However, last summer I did try a red wine that I actually enjoyed. The bottle was brought to a dinner by someone dating a friend of mine. He can afford those wines that I can’t even think about. It was the first time I was able to get past a few sips. I even finished my glass and had half of a second one. I cannot remember the name of that wine but if I find out, I will splurge and buy one for myself.
So, as I am on the quest to find the perfect white wine I thought I would blog about the latest bottle I have tried.
So, what did I drink this week?
2009 Carmen Sauvignon Blanc, Chili, Curico Valley
It had a nice, crisp taste. It was green-yellowish in color, but not overly dark. Citrusy that was more grapefruit than any other fruit. In fact, after the second sip, grapefruit is what came to mind. Not that it’s a bad thing, it’s just what stuck out. I think I paid about $7.00 for the bottle. It has a screw top, which is really convenient for places like picnics and party buses.
Would I buy it again? Yes!
As I am on the quest for the perfect budget wine, what would you recommend? I am not a sweet wine drinker. Few Rieslings are enjoyable and seem more syrupy to me than wine. Nor do I enjoy blushes/pinks because they are not dry enough. I will not disregard a red selection as long as you can assure me it is not heavy and that it is very, very dry.
Oh, and as for budget, I will not spend above $15 for a bottle of wine during this search. A good bottle of wine does not have to be expensive.
Share your suggestions for red or white wines that you think Jane would like and win a beautiful wine glass from The Betting Season or A Season to Remember (your choice!)