I write smart and sassy romance novels. My latest is What A Wallflower Wants and it’s the final book in my wallflower series featuring three friends who MUST find husbands before the anniversary ball of their school OR ELSE. Prudence, the heroine of What a Wallflower Wants, has a dark reason or remaining unwed, but she finds an amazing hero in the most unlikely of places.
Who was your Greatest inspiration in helping you develop your writing career?
I am inspired to write books that I’d like to read. My main motivation in developing my writing career is that it 1) allows for naps and 2) doesn’t require pants and 3) I get to make stuff up where everything works out perfectly. Obviously, one has to make this gig work.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
I totally imagined the heroines of my Wallflower series played by Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph. Other casting decisions and inspirational images are available on my Pinterest page.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Sorry, pantsers, but I believe a great outline solves all problems. You can’t get stuck if you know what to write next.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
All reviews are awesome and welcome. I appreciate that someone took the time to read my book and share their thoughts with other readers.

Relaxing. Lolz. Reading magazines on my couch is my happy place. Every once in a while I splurge on a massage or a haircut.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
Fuck perfect! Or, more politely “better is the enemy of done.” Or “screw it, just do it!” Basically, try to minimize the agony and maximize the things crossed off my to do list because it’ll probably all be okay in the end. Knock on wood.
What is your favorite book?
That’s an impossible question. IMPOSSIBLE. I can’t even! J
The food you couldn’t live without?
Ok, no this is an impossible question. But seriously—perhaps a good salad. If we’re talking indulgences, than I advise everyone not to stand between me and the French Fries and Prosecco.
One place you’ve never been, but ALWAYS wanted to go?
I’ve ALWAYS wanted to go to the Galapagos Islands and Australia. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure what I’m waiting for.
If you weren’t an author what would be your next choice of career?
I’d love to have a little shop and design products like stationary, notebooks and other little things for writers. Because shopping! And how fabulous would it be to hang out in a shop all day?
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
Each trip is different and interesting in it’s own way—there’s the first time away from home alone, or a trip to an exotic location, or even conferences or a series of travel disasters can be interesting. To me that’s the fun of travel.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I’m not telling! But I will say that Emma’s mixed up letter in The Wicked Wallflower was not totally fictional.
Lightning Round:
White wine or red? White and sparkling!
Coffee or tea? In my heart of hearts, coffee. In my real life per doctor’s orders, tea. Grrrr.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Both!
Outdoorsman or homebody? Probably a homebody, much to my husband’s despair.
City Life or Country Life? Both!
Do you prefer to live in hot weather or cold weather? HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. Which is why I live in NYC where it is freezing half the year...Sigh.
Dog Lover or Cat Fan? I’m a diehard @LadyMissPenny fan. She is my dog, who is very catlike.
Pancakes or eggs? Bacon.
Sleep in or get up early? Early birds for the win!
Laptop or desktop for writing? A laptop so I can write anywhere and everywhere!