LORD OF THE RAKES is my first steamy regency. I had an absolute blast writing it. Charlotte is a woman of independent means, but she's only just learned the fact. Now she's in London, determined to make up for lost time, and equally determined to never be under a man's control again. Philip Montcalm is not just any rake, but the king of them all. He's tired and he's jaded and he's considering leaving the country just to look for something new. Until he meets Charlotte...In some ways it's a reverse of the usual romance, because the sex comes first and the love follows afterwards, but it's my belief that even in the period this is frequently the way it goes and I wanted to explore that particular path to the HEA. The sequel, THE ACCIDENTAL ABDUCTION will be coming out this September.
Who was your Greatest inspiration in helping you develop your writing career?
I can't point to any one person. My inspiration always was and continues to be all those other books on the shelf. Good books, bad books, severely mediocre books. All those stories and all those idea...Ever since I was a kid, I just wanted to dive in and play too.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
You know, as dearly as I'd love to see one of my books turned into a movie, I've never been any good at this game. Chris Helmsworth, however, would do a stellar job of playing Philip. We could pair him with Emma Watson as Charlotte.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
John Cleese gives a terrific talk on creativity (you can find it on YouTube), but it boils down to this: cut yourself some slack. Be aware that creativity is not an assembly line. Take a walk. Read something new, and unrelated. Work on something else. And turn your mind gently back to the problem, again, and again. The answer will come, or another question will. And as you practice your craft and continue to train your mind to it, it will get easier.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
I do read my reviews. IMHO, they are a fact of life. You get good ones, you get bad ones. I've been ticked off a few times in the past, I expect I will be again in the future. It passes. A good one can completely make my day. But mostlly I just think they come with the job, or, at least, you hope they do, because if you're not getting reviewed you are definitely doing something wrong.

Long walks, good food and watching baseball.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
The mortgage is due.
What is your favorite book?
What day is it? It could be WATERSHIP DOWN by Richard Adams, or FREDERICA by Georgette Heyer, or THE TOMBS OF AUTUAN by Ursula K. LeGuin, or JANE EYRE by Charlotte Bronte, depending.
The food you couldn’t live without?
Blueberry pancakes.
The BEST thing about you?
I have a tendancy to be the one who says "Hey, kids, we've got a barn, let's put on a show!" and the show actually gets put on.
One place you’ve never been, but ALWAYS wanted to go?
One thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
I never read a Romance novel until after college. I'm a third generation science fiction geek; my grandfather wrote, my father introduced me to science fiction conventions, and I'm raising the 4th generation as we speak.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Jim Henson, because he was both so incredibly creative and filled with that sense of wonder.
If you weren’t an author what would be your next choice of career?
Is there something else to do? Hmmm...puppeteer. See above.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
That would either have to be the summer I spent in London or the time I spent in Florence. I love cities.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Upon advice of my counsel, I decline to answer on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate me.
Lightning Round:
White wine or red? Neither. I'm a tetotaller.
Coffee or tea? Good coffee over bad tea and vice versa.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Cook.
Outdoorsman or homebody? Outdoorsperson.
City Life or Country Life? City.
Do you prefer to live in hot weather or cold weather? Cold.
Dog Lover or Cat Fan? Love dogs, own cats.
Pancakes or eggs? Who's cooking?
Sleep in or get up early? Up early.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop.
Ok, readers I'm giving away one copy of LORD OF THE RAKES to two LUCKY contestants. I'd like to know about your To Be Read piles. :) How Big are they and where is it i.e on a book shelf, kindle, nook, etc.