I am presently what is called a “hybrid author,” one who is published with both traditional publishers and one who has stepped into the brave new world of self-publishing. I have two very recent books, one in each camp. My traditionally-published book is a regency romance titled A Heart’s Rebellion. It’s published by Revell Books, a Christian publisher.
My latest self-published book is a short work titled Victorian Spring: A Matchmaking Governess Novelette. It’s the first of a series I envision featuring a governess who gently intervenes in certain couples’ lives, giving them that little nudge they may need to further their courtship.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book? This question is always tough for me since I don’t keep up too much with TV and movies. Hmmm, can’t think of anyone off the top of my head.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Let your mind wander freely whenever you are not doing something writing-related. For me the best times to generate plot ideas are during a walk or while swimming laps, or when I wake up early in the morning and just lie there in bed. That’s when my creative juices are flowing the best.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
The longer you are in the writing business, the more inured you become to reviews. By the writing business I mean the more eyes see your work—critiquers, editors, proofreaders before it’s published and general readers and reviewers after it’s published—the less impact they have on your ability or confidence in yourself.
You realize that glowing, insightful reviews, which may encourage you, may do little for overall sales or popularity of your book. Conversely, scathing reviews do little to hinder your book (as long as they are in the minority, of course). So, you learn not to get too up or down by reviews. Just focus on your current project.

These days by walking or swimming or reading romances written by others! Or, watching an enthralling historical series on PBS like Downton Abbey, Selfridge’s, or Call the Midwife.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
What is your favorite book?
This changes from year to year, season to season. I’ve really liked the fantasy trilogy by Patrick Carr, The Staff and the Sword, and am looking forward to reading the final book, A Draw of Kings.
Who is your favorite author?
Again, this changes. There are so many good authors out there. I love the old classics by Georgette Heyer and Grace Livingston Hill. I love Eva Ibbotsen, Jan Karon, M.M. Kaye. Of more recent writers, I love anything by Melanie Dickerson and Julie Lessman. I loved Linda Lee Chaiken’s series, but was bummed when some of them hadn’t been continued by the publisher.
What is your favorite movie?
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Jane Austen and find out about her secret love.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
To Yorkshire in England when I was researching a regency of mine, Dawn in my Heart. I went alone and it was a time of introspection, feeling close to the Bronte sisters, and getting lots of good plot ideas for my manuscript.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I can’t remember anything recently. Back in high school, it was cold-calling a boy who hardly knew I was alive. Took me years to get over the humiliation of that one…
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? White even though red is better for you.
Coffee or tea? Coffee even though I drink more tea. Geez, I’m a bunch of contradictions.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Cook. It’s healthier and I know the ingredients.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Vanilla with hot fudge sauce.
Pancakes or eggs? Pancakes, preferably with blueberries.
Sleep in or get up early? I’m a morning person.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Desktop for now since I don’t have a good laptop.
Ruth has Generously offered to give away 1 of her novels to 3 LUCKY commenters. All you have to do to be entered to win one of the following books including; A Heart's Rebellion (paper) ; Moonlight Masquerade which comes before A Heart's Rebellion (paper); In Your Eyes (digital); or A Rogue's Rebellion (digital) is answer the question; What famous botanical garden in London existed in regency times? Good Luck Everybody!!!