I’m mostly known for my Lords of Vice series. However, very few people are aware that I sold my first historical in 1999 to Kensington. I debuted in February 2000 under the pseudonym, Barbara Pierce. Between my two pen names, I’ve written sixteen Regency Historicals.
My upcoming novella, Once Upon a Christmas Scandal is one of four novellas featured in St. Martin’s Press’s Christmas Brides anthology that will be available on September 30. It’s a thrill to share the spotlight with fellow historical authors: Suzanne Enoch, Elizabeth Essex, and Valerie Bowman.
Readers familiar with my Lords of Vice books might recognize the heroine in my novella. Lady Ellen Courtland is Lord Vainwright’s sister. He was the hero in After Dark with a Scoundrel. Even though this story is connected to the Lords of Vice series, it can be read as a standalone.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
Zoey Deutch and Matt Bomer would be great choices for Lady Ellen and Lord Swainsbury.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
When I feel like I’ve hit a brick wall with a scene, I go around it. I jump ahead to a scene that I can write.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
It’s just part of the business. Most books receive a mix of positive and negative reviews.

No surprise—I love to read when I have a quiet moment. I also like to cook, workout, watch movies with the family, and play games (board and video).
What is your Favorite moativational phrase?
Be constructive, not destructive.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Oscar Wilde. I discovered his plays when I was a teenager, and I’ve always enjoyed his wit.
If you didn't choose writing as a profession, what would be your next choice of professions?
I probably would have pursued a career in healthcare.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? Red.
Coffee or tea? Tea
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Cook dinner—Unless I’m close to my deadline, then it’s definitely take-out/delivery.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Chocolate.
Pancakes or eggs? Eggs.
Sleep in or get up early? Sleep in—I’m not a morning person.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop.
Alexandra has decided to offer two copies from her Lords of Vice series. There are seven books in the series. I'll let the two winners choose their prizes. Since the anthology has a Christmas theme, all you have to do to enter the giveaway is answer the question: What's your favorite Christmas-themed book or movie?