My latest romance release is a series that is a sequel to my paranormal historical romance series Beneath the Shadows of Evil. The new series is set in modern times, and follows a family of witches named the Connelly’s who are decedents of the people in the historical series. The title of the series is The Connelly Witches, and the books are stand alone paranormal novels that focus on a different member of the family and the trials and tribulations their witchcraft and their vow to protect mankind brings them.
I am also working on a book that takes place in Victorian times that is a kinky historical novel akin to Lessons of Love and Elizabeth’s Destiny.
I must say a word about my journey into non-fiction as well. The book isn’t a romance and it may not appeal to your fans here, but it’s a book on Domestic Discipline and Power Exchange relationships called Taken In Hand. Those who are curious about these subjects can find a wealth of information in this book, and on my blog, jolynnraymondwordpress.com
Though this is a historical romance, this book contains graphic BDSM sex. Elizabeth is the unwilling victim of sexual slavery, forced into the harem of a sadistic man. Maxwell is callous and cruel, and cares nothing for the women he kidnaps. He is not a hero or a character you will love at first sight. The lovers in my stories must fight hard for their happily ever afters. Nothing comes easy or quick.
Packed off by her mother and the church elders because of her rebellious nature, lovely Elizabeth Thornton finds herself living in India. She has been sent there to be trained as a Zenana missionary, but fate has other things in mind. Maxwell Harrison is a rogue with few morals. His job is to capture and train beautiful women in the art of sadistic passion for his cruel employer's harem. He sets his sights on Elizabeth the moment he sees her, knowing she will be a golden treasure among the other women, a unique toy in a gilded toy box. Once properly trained, she will make an exquisite sex slave. Beautiful and schooled in the art of pain and pleasure, taught to crave the lash, always ready to be taken whenever she is desired.
Elizabeth's spirit struggles against her fate, and though her body responds to Maxwell's teachings, she cannot stop her fight for freedom. Maxwell has never cared for any of the women he has abducted, but he cannot deny what he feels for his latest captive. Once love touches his heart, Maxwell knows he cannot turn Elizabeth over to his boss, but freedom isn't easily obtained. They are trapped within the palace walls, and within the city itself. Jeeval is rich and powerful, and doesn't take kindly to those who wish to steal his possessions. To stay means Elizabeth will become a concubine, lost to Maxwell forever. To flee means to risk death, but life without each other is no life at all. Can they escape and find their happily ever after, or will their quest for freedom cost them everything?
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
Morena Baccarin who was Inara in Serenity/Firefly as Raven Connelly. I really don’t watch too many movies or TV. I just loved Inara in Firefly. She is stunning and poised as well as witty thanks to Josh Whedon.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block? -
Dream, soak in the tub and talk to myself in character dialog, or lie on my Yantra acupressure mat and let my mind drift. I seriously do get whispers from Muse in my sleep.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews? –
No one can write a book that everyone loves. I sputter at the one stars only if the comments make it apparent they didn’t read the forward (Please Dear Readers, read the forward in Taken. Gypsy customs are very different and misunderstood). It’s there for a reason. Of course I love the five star gushing ones. Who wouldn't? If I can take something productive out of any of them they are worth something.

An hour a day in my deep soaking tub with a good book. You can’t stress on thinks when you are in another place.
What is your favorite motivational phrase? -
Every day in every way, I’m getting better. Also, Well behaved women rarely make history.
What is your favorite book? –
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, Games of Thrones Series by George R.R. Martin, and the Dark Tower Series by Stephen King. Also, Watership Down, by Richard Adams. Some may call it a children’s novel, and I was pretty young, maybe 12 or 13 when I read it, but it’s fabulous and I’d recommend it to anyone no matter their age.
Who is your favorite author?
Hands down Stephen King, but I also love George R.R. Martin, Ken Follett, James Patterson, Dean Koontz,
What is your favorite movie?
I love a good movie, but seriously can’t put my finger on one. There are a lot I really like, but it all depends on my mood.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
This may sound odd, but Stephen King. I’d love a peek inside his mind. His creative talent is brilliant and his mind is a bit twisted like mine. I write dark, and while I know his books aren’t for everyone, he tells one hell of a story.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
I’m not sure I can really answer that with one place. I’ve been to many countries in Europe, to all 50 states, Russia, Scandinavia, Australia, and some places in between. There is a private place I love the most but as far as interesting, the history in Europe, the architecture, the museums, I’m a history buff and places that are old or very far removed from where I live just make my Muse whisper in my ear. Alhambra in Granada, Spain set off my story of Elizabeth’s Destiny, a castle and the Necropolis Cemetery in Glasgow, Scotland along with a Gypsy woman in Portugal were the seeds for the Beneath the Shadows of Evil Series.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
That is too personal to share. Not from embarrassment but on the gross factor scale. It involved my boyfriend when I was 15, his entire family, my period and one other factor that shall remain a secret.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? – Neither, my seizure meds and alcohol don’t play well with each other.
Coffee or tea? – Both, coffee in the morning to get me going and apple cinnamon Celestial Seasoning with honey in the p.m.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? – Neither, my wife does all the cooking.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? - Vanilla most of the time but I like dark chocolate bits of Dove mixed in.
Pancakes or eggs? - It depends. If I can be a slug that day pancakes. My wife make the best pumpkin ones. If I have things to do then eggs for the protein.
Sleep in or get up early? - I’m an early riser. I get up for my day job at 5:00 so sleeping in all the way is hard, but afternoon naps were invented for Saturdays and Sundays.
Laptop or desktop for writing? - Laptop, always.
Jolynn is giving away a signed paperback copy of Elizabeth's Destiny to first prize winners and an ebook copy to runners up. All you have to do to enter to win is answer the question, "What do you think she does for relaxation? Good Luck!!