The Rogue Returns is a road romance and features an adventure by horseback through the peaks and Pennines of England. Our intrepid heroine, Lady Helen, is not an outdoorsy kind of girl, which makes for lots of amusing entanglements as she braves the wild mountains. Roane, our silver tongued hero, is in a bit of a hurry to find a buried treasure and reluctant to take on this fancy, London-bred lady. In the end, she proves her mettle, and he is dutifully impressed. Tessa Dare has described the book as a Regency Western. I like that comparison! Roane does have a bit of Robert Redford in him. Readers have also likened it to Romancing the Stone.
The Rogue Returns is part of the Nottinghamshire series-three stories which focus on two families brought together by a renegade highwayman, the Midnight Rider.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
I have a picture of Paul Walker as Roane on my Pinterest board. I love the blond hair, golden scruff and chiseled features. In The Rogue Returns, Roane is trying to settle down after his wild past. Unfortunately, Paul Walker, also a thrill seeker, died in a high speed car crash.
I think Reese Witherspoon would make a great Lady Helen if she could drop her southern drawl for an upper crust British accent. She has the right blend of femininity and humor for Helen.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Writing partners! Seriously, I would be lost without my girlfriends. They keep me sane when the writing gets tough. I haven’t really figured out a way to work around writer’s block, other than to keep plugging away and know that ‘This Too Shall Pass’.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
Again, girlfriends! They hold my hand through the best and worst of it.

Relax? What is that? ;-) I just had my third baby in April, so there isn’t too much of that happening right now. I do love to read, and always find time for a good book. I get outside for walks and listen to the birds and notice what is in bloom (in Oregon, something is blooming all year.) Finally, I am a yoga teacher and have a dedicated home yoga practice that I call my best medicine.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
On Life: Relax! Nothing is under control!
On Writing: “You think this is hard? We eat hard for breakfast.” Nora Roberts.
What is your favorite book?
Wayyyyy to hard to choose one.
Who is your favorite author?
Mary Oliver, a poet
What is your favorite movie?
Pride and Prejudice, of course
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? Depends on the season and the dinner.
Paper books or ebooks? ebook.
Coffee or tea? Both.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Take out!
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Chocolate
Pancakes or eggs? Both
Sleep in or get up early? Sleep in!
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop with a wireless keyboard and monitor.
Thanks for having me! I am honored to be here today.
I will offer one ebook edition of THE ROGUE RETURNS
“What is your favorite romance trope? The road romance? The older brother’s best friend? The pretend marriage?...”