Tell us about your book(s)!
Thanks so much for having me here today, and letting me talk about my favorite thing—books!!! My current release, Murder at Westminster Abbey, is the second in my new series “The Kate Haywood Elizabethan Mysteries.” After years of writing historical romances as Amanda McCabe and Laurel McKee, I love having yet another alter ego—Amanda Carmack—and getting to play in a new genre and my favorite time period (Elizabethan England)! It's so bawdy and exciting, full of fascinating characters and amazingly wonderful poetry and music.
In Wesminster Abbey, we meet up again with Queen Elizabeth's favorite court musician, Kate Haywood, amid the splendors of the queen's glittering coronation. But all isn't what it seems—danger lurks in the shadows of the Abbey...
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
I am a Pinterest fanatic for this very reason—I love saving inspirational pics in my folders, of houses, clothes, historical images, all sorts of things. I always kind of picture Kate as a young Rachel Weisz...
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
LOL! I don't know—if you hear of any foolproof methods let me know. I usually find that when I'm stuck in a story I am trying to make the characters do something they don't want to do. I try long walks, hot baths, reading research books, until it occurs to me what they DO want to do and change course....
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
Hmm...I like good ones, and cry at bad ones??? Not really, LOL. I've been writing long enough to know I can't let a bad one get me down or I will never get anything done. I do sometimes learn something from reviews, though, so they are all useful. And sometimes a good one can give me a boost just when I need it!

A good Pomegranate martini!!! Also, lavender-scented baths, watching historical romance movies (like “Young Victoria” or anything from an Austen novel!), going out with friends.
What is your favorite book?
That is a hard one! Often my favorite is whatever I'm reading at the moment. But I always come back to Austen's “Persuasion” or George Eliot's “Middlemarch”
Who is your favorite author?
Jane Austen! And the Brontes...
What is your favorite movie?
Nothing can make me feel better than watching something with Audrey Hepburn in it! “Roman Holiday” maybe, or “Sabrina”
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
I think I would like to meet Shakespeare, but then again I might be too intimidated to ask him anything at all! I bet Austen would be a lot of fun.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
My first trip to my favorite city in the world—Paris! I wandered around the streets and museums in a blissful haze for days, and ate way more macarons than I should have. I will never forget it. The beauty and elegance, the romance, of Paris is amazing.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Hmmm. Once, when I was about 7, my tutu fell down in the middle of a ballet recital. I still remember how horrifying it was!!! Though I also laugh about it now, so it can't have been that bad.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? White! Or champagne
Coffee or tea? Tea
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Take-out! I almost set my kitchen on fire once broiling a steak, and decided it wasn't worth the risk.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Chocolate, always!
Pancakes or eggs? Pancakes! Sadly, I am a carb fiend....
Sleep in or get up early? Sleep in. My mother is a morning person, we all kinda hate her for it.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop! I usually write sitting in bed, with music playing and my dog lying beside me
Amanda has going to give away a signed copy of "Murder at Westminster Abbey". All you have to do to enter is answer the question; "What is your favorite time period to read about? AND Who is your favorite queen in history??" GOOD LUCK!!!