The Rougemont Series is about Victorian-era misfits who rebel against society in their own way, one ballroom and house party at a time. Those characters intermix in my new Brotherhood of the Falcon Series, wherein the spy organization hinted at in the Rougemont Series is explored. Think Jason Bourne meets Downton Abbey.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
Philip Cavendish, the hero of Rougemont #3, I imagine as Henry Cavill. My street team says Tom Mison (Sleepy Hollow star) is Wilhelm Montegue from Song for Sophia, and we all agree Joe Mangianello is Andrew Tilmore in The King of Threadneedle Street. Wiping drool…
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Sigh. No. I’m a boom-and-bust writer. When inspired I write almost 24/7, but when I’m not, I watch reruns on Netflix. I’m jealous of the daily-word-count authors. Wish I could be like that — blame it on the “artistic temperament.”
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
All the wise authors I know say to stay away, don’t read the reviews. Me, I can’t help it. I read every single one. The good ones make my day, and it’s gratifying to hear that a reader understands what I was trying to do with the story.
There’s a saying, something like, “Don’t tickle the dragon if you can’t handle the fire,” and writing unusual stories does attract some passionately rotten reviews. If my story simply isn’t a reader’s cup of tea, fair enough. But sometimes an astute reader finds the chinks in my armor and really lets me have it. I try to learn from the truths in the bad reviews and improve my writing. I won’t lie — sometimes I wipe a tear and eat a chocolate bar first.

Kickboxing, believe it or not. Sometimes one just needs to punch imaginary bad guys for an hour. Very cathartic. Don’t be too impressed — sometimes I turn my phone off and take a nap instead, because doing nothing is everything it’s cracked up to be!
What is your favorite book?
Bronte’s Jane Eyre, if I had to pick only one. Also love Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo and Forster’s A Room With A View.
Modern favorites are Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, Lisa Kleypas’ Travis series, Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, and a lovely little biography about a Nobel Peace Prize-winning physicist called Reflections of a Scientist by Henry B. Eyring.
Who is your favorite author?
I want to be like Meredith Duran when I grow up, and Laura Kinsale is the queen of epic, intelligent historical romance. Eloisa James, Loretta Chase, and Lisa Kleypas are favorites too. I adore Susan Elizabeth Philips and Linda Howard when I read contemporary romance.
What is your favorite movie?
Do you remember back in the 90s, a quirky little flick starring Val Kilmer and Elizabeth Shue called The Saint? A stone-cold mercenary (Kilmer) with a talent for grifting steals the formula for cold fusion from a nerdy but endearing scientist (Shue). Love the unlikely romance.
My top 5 favorite period pieces are An Ideal Husband, Four Feathers, Daniel Deronda, the Fassbender version of Jane Eyre, and Gaskell’s North & South.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Groan. Hands down, the time I rode down a steep hill on my bike, carrying a tote full of music books on my way to piano lessons… 12 years old, and of course I’m wearing a skirt, and I do a spectacular wipeout the very moment Kyle (the neighborhood heartthrob) drives by with his dad. They pull over and scrape me off the pavement, then I sit bleeding all over the passenger seat while Kyle’s dad makes him ride my purple bike home. I know Kyle saw my white cotton undies.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? Call me weird, but I never drink, ever. I live on water with a dash of lime. Oh all right, I admit to imbibing lots of chocolate milk too.
Coffee or tea? I’m more of a fruit smoothie girl for a morning pick-me-up.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Takeout, every time!
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Bring chocolate or go home!
Pancakes or eggs? Eggs, hard-boiled.
Sleep in or get up early? Stay up late then sleep in. I’d probably agree to babysit a piranha if you asked me before 7 a.m. — brain’s not working.
Laptop or desktop for writing? I cuddle up with my laptop in all kinds of osteohorrific positions.

Making jewelry is a hobby I enjoy; sometimes the pieces are inspired by characters in the book. Today I need inspiration from YOU! The next scene I’m writing needs a creative proposal, but I want something to go wrong with it, and I want it to be hilarious! Give me an idea for a marriage proposal that goes wrong, and you’re entered to win your choice of the jewelry in the photo. I’ll randomly choose 1 winner for every 20 entries. And who knows — maybe your zany idea will end up in my book!
I love connecting with readers on my blog: http://moriahdensley.com, where I post news, free chapters, and snarky articles about publishing and life as a writer, including a series called “Weird Stuff Kids Say.”
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