Writing Related:
Tell us about your book(s)!
I have read Regency romances since I was a teenager, and as I approach the big 3-0, that adds up to a lot of romances. I found myself re-writing stories in my head and wishing for a little more action. So I wrote my own story. And that story turned into another story, which turned into another unexpected story which has turned into yet another unexpected story. And that's what I hope to give my readers. I want to give them the unexpected. Reading is all about escape, and escape is harder when you see what's coming. I like to give my readers all the love and romance and excitement that a romance entails, but I like to give them just a little bit more to keep them guessing. In Son of a Duke, the first in the Spy Series, I wanted to tell a classic love story in a not so classic way. There is love and murder and espionage and international intrigue. But as a twist, I made the heroine a maid. Maids get to fall in love, too, right?
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
This is the best question because I actually "cast" my characters in my head. And believe it or not, I always pictured the heroine of Son of a Duke as Mary Poppins. I know this is a terrible visualization when your casting the heroine of a romance novel. But that's just what popped into my head!
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
I get my iPod, put on some really awesome headphones, and dance like a mad woman around my living room. My Basset hound usually thinks I've lost it, but after about 10 minutes or so, I'm right back in the chair typing away. Some really loud Pat Benatar is usually enough to get the creative juices flowing again.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
I love reading my reviews. I know a lot of writers say they never read them, but I honestly find some of them to be fascinating. I have this vision of my book in my head, and there are always things that I like and don't like about it. And I'll read a review and see the reader had a completely different experience, and it reminds me that a written piece is alive with perspective. It's just beautiful, whether the review was good or bad.

How do you relax?
After a really long day, I'll drag my lazy hound onto the couch with me and my hubby to watch amazing shows on the Travel or History channels. I just like to let myself get lost in the rich stories and amazing places and think about how I can fit it all into a story.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
"You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So...get on your way!"
Dr. Seuss
What is your favorite book?
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn (I have two copies, both as equally battered.)
Who is your favorite author?
Karen White (I am in agony waiting for the next Tradd Street book to come out!)
What is your favorite movie?
It's a Wonderful Life
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Audrey Hepburn. Because really, why not???
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
In college, I studied abroad in p, and it allowed me to backpack through Europe on spring break. While I visited places like Amsterdam and Rome and Paris, it wasn't so much the places that I went but what I learned about myself on that trip. I feel like that trip was a defining moment between me as a child and me as an adult. And when I think about it now, I can't believe my mom let a 21 year old woman travel through Europe with nothing more than a backpack!
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I was interviewing for my very first "real" job, and I was going through a lightning round of interviews with various people. I was on my last person, and she asked that age old question of what do you want to know about the company. At this point, I had run out of the standard questions to ask, so I resorted to "How do you feel about the management here?" I had no idea who this woman was in the company as no one had explained her position to me, so I was just hoping it was a good question.
On my first day there, I found out she was the CEO.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? White
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Take-out/delivery
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Vanilla
Pancakes or eggs? Pancakes
Sleep in or get up early? Get up early!
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop, so I can snuggle with my writing partner, Josie the Basset hound
It's your LUCKY day readers! Jessie is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift card in addition to an ebook copy of her new release, Inevitably a Dutchess. All you have to do to enter is answer the question, "If you made a movie about your life, who would you want to cast to play and why? Don't forget to include your email address. GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!! :-)