Tell us about your book!
My new release, “Love Lost in Time” is a time-travel romance. This story has suspense and humor…and a little holiday spirit.
Andrew Merrick was whisked from his home in England, 1848 to another time, the very day a mob had attacked his family. Wondering why he remains in this strange place, all he wants is to find the treasure his father had hidden, hoping this might take Andrew back home. But he’s running out of time. When he meets a lovely woman in this new century, he feels she is the one who will help him.
Halle Chapman has come to England to find her missing father. What she finds instead is a nice man who claims he’s from the past. Although she doesn’t believe in time-travel, deep in her heart, she knows she must help Andrew. What she finds instead is that discovering the key to her future lies in the past. Now, to return to her own time, she needs to solve the mystery surrounding Andrew Merrick and his family’s murder.
Watch book trailer - http://youtu.be/E1C_IKJqwC4
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
It’s funny, but once I get my book cover, I can’t see anyone as my main character other than the one on the book cover. I can’t name any actor/actress, so I’ll leave it up to my readers’ imagination.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
I’ve been writing for a good 19 years, so there have been plenty of times when my muse stops talking to me and I get writer’s block. When I get this way, I realize it’s time to take a mental break. So, I do this for a few days. Instead of writing, I watch TV. Believe me, after a few days of watching TV, I’m ready to write. lol Sometimes when my characters aren’t talking to me, it’s because something has gone wrong with the story. I read back a few chapters in the story to see what might have gone wrong, and I listen to what my characters tell me should happen. A lot of time, this is the very reason for writer’s block. Last but not least, I’ll read back through one of my old, unpublished stories…and cringe. Immediately, my muse is back and wants to rewrite that story! Works every time… hahaha
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
I love good reviews!! What author doesn’t? It puts me in a good mood when I receive one. As for bad reviews…I know—and have known for years—that I can’t please everyone. Readers have to be in a good mood in order to like the story. Or if they read a similar story before reading mine and like the other one better, then sure, they’ll be disappointed. Naturally. We are all like that. As for mean reviews…that’s just not nice at all. I think a reviewer can leave a review and be nice about it, even if the book wasn’t what they wanted.

Relax? I’m supposed to relax? lol I work a full time job, so the only time I have to write is from 6-10 every night, and on most weekends (unless I’m doing family things). So for me, relaxing means soaking in a hot, bubble-filled tub. Although…my mind is still putting together my next scene while I’m doing this.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
I have two actually, and I have them laminated and pinned to my cubicle wall in my office.
“Failure is NOT an option!”
“Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough.”
What is your favorite book?
I’ve been reading since 1986. I have too many favorites. However, the first romance I read and fell in love with was one from Kathleen E Woodiwiss, “A Rose in Winter”.
Who is your favorite author?
I have many: Kathleen Woodiwiss (because her books were the first romances I fell in love with), Judith McNaught, LaVryle Spencer, Julia Quinn, Karen Robards, and Johanna Lindsey.
What is your favorite movie?
I don’t have a favorite. I love so many. Of course they’d have to be romantic comedies… lol
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Good question! A famous person living…probably Gerard Butler. Heeheee A famous person dead…would be (now don’t laugh) – Benjamin Franklin. What a brilliant man he was!
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
This one is easy since I don’t take a lot of trips (unless mentally. lol) Hubby and I toured South Carolina and I got to see the Colonial tours and the Civil War tours. I loved it and I want to go back again!
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Oh good grief. So many to count. lol But it would probably have to be when I was at the airport, still in the parking lot, and had to go pee so badly it made me sick. (that’s what I get for drinking Coke on an hour long drive…) We were not even close to the building. Put two-and-two together and figure out what I did… lol I’m sure the passengers in the plane going overhead could see me. hahahahaha
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? Don’t drink wine
Coffee or tea? Don’t drink coffee or tea
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Delivery!!
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Chocolate!!
Pancakes or eggs? Eggs (omelets!)
Sleep in or get up early? Sleep in!
Laptop or desktop for writing? Desktop!
Don't FORGET to comment below answering the question, "What your Favorite time-travel book or movie is". Marie is giving away a print copy of her book, "Love Lost in Time" to a Lucky reader who answers the question and provides an email address in the comment. Good LUCK!!!