My newest release is "To Refuse A Rake" A regency romance about a woman set against a love, and a reformed rake's relentless pursuit of her. The humor in "Rake" makes me smile each time I think of it. Character's who have constant witty banter always enthrall me, and this book has some hilarious scenes. But there's also an underlying truth where the heroine, Emma, realizes that it's fear that holds her back from finding love.
"Beyond Broken" is my next release, coming early September. It's a New Adult Romance that is EDGY, but with a inspirational foundation that makes it unique. When I think of Christian Romance, or Inspirational Romance, I think clean as in no cussing and little sexual tension, with a focus on the character's spiritual development. "Beyond Broken" is not in that category. It's very realistic, raw( has cussing and drug abuse) and full of forbidden love that causes more than a few twists. The main character, Sophia Holton, is an intern at a well known rehab center for the rich and famous. With parents who were missionaries in the Philippines, her perspective on fame and fortune is vastly different than the average 22 year old. We see that first hand in the first chapter where she has no tolerance or preference for the newest patient, Greyson Bentley, the young CEO of a Fortune 500 company with piercing grey eyes and who is dangerously magnetic. Against her will, Greyson begins a stealthy pursuit of her; one she's determined to resist. But as Sophia's resistance fades under the magnitude of Greyson's attraction, she's learns that their views of love are vastly different. Is there any way to explain the power of unconditional love to someone whose never experienced it? Can God really heal those who are so far beyond broken?
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
Ok, this is a bad question for me! I don't watch a whole lot of TV ( I know I know!) I have four kids with one on the way so...most of my time is spent in the kitchen or with my kids. When my husband gets home we spend time together usually in our garden ( at least this time of year) so I have NO idea who would play Emma in "To Refuse A Rake"...as far as guys? I'd LOVE to have Hugh Jackman, Huge Grant or Gerald Butler play Hudson...I mean who wouldn't?
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Talk to your sister...or friend, or anyone else who reads a lot. My go-to is my sister, Rachel Van Dyken. She's an author as well ( which I'm sure most of you know!) And is so very helpful when I'm stuck. We brain storm, talk about nothing and then viola! Inspiration hits!
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
Both are welcome, needed and helpful but not all are created equal. As an author, it's annoying when someone picks on your book and gives you a bad review simply because it didn't suit their taste...not because it was poorly written, had grammatical issues etc. But I've also noticed that a few bad reviews don't normally hurt your rankings. You have to take everything with a grain of salt and know that you did your best, you can't please everyone!

I curl up next to my husband and read.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
"Faith is being sure of what your hope for, and certain of what you don't see." Hebrews 11:1
What is your favorite book?
Really? That's a horrible question for an author! I LOVE SO MANY! I think my favorite is "Ruin" by Rachel Van Dyken. Its not released yet (but will be soon ) and it literally ruined me for all other books!
Who is your favorite author?
Not kidding, my sister Rachel Van Dyken. I'm her biggest fan. She rocks and is GIFTED!
What is your favorite movie?
Sabrina. There's nothing like a great cinderella story.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
C.S. Lewis. He was an incredible man and took the most perfect of truths and spun them into timeless stories that we still enjoy today.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
This past year my grandma took all her daughters and grand-daughters to London, England and Edinburg, Scotland. It was AMAZING. The history blew me away...and to be with 9 girls whom you all love and adore? Even better!
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I have them all the time...my most recent was when my son scared me ( I had it coming, I had just done the same thing to him) and I screamed, jumped and freaked out my two year old who stared at me like I had sprouted two heads. Well played, Tyler. Well played.
Lighting Round...
White wine or red? Pink Moscato.
Coffee or tea? Both!
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Cook! I love to cook/bake!
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Again, both. Swirled or vanilla with chocolate syrup ( the hard-shell kind) mmmm!
Pancake or Eggs? Are these trick questions? BOTH! Pancakes AND eggs! (what can I say, I love breakfast!)
Sleep in or get up early? Get up early, I like having a good start on my day!
Laptop or desktop for writing? Desktop, I don't have a laptop that works well.
Kristin is offering two copies of her first Regency Romance Redeeming the Deception of Grace to two lucky commenters! All you have to do to be eligible is tell Kristin if you prefer to get up early (like her) or if you're a night owl. And don't forget to leave her your email address!