I love to write historical romance, specifically the Regency period as this is an era that has my heart. I read Georgette Heyer and Jane Austen in my teens and adored their world. More than that, I loved the style of dialogue, the rules around behavior and interaction between the sexes and the intriguing ways they managed to break those very rules. It always seemed to be such a romantic era. I began to write Regency romance a little over two years ago, wondering if it would be a genre that would fit. I discovered that it fit very well and that my ideas always outstripped my ability to write them. I started out with novellas but quickly moved to novels, the better to explore the interaction between characters.
Now I have tried to incorporate my other great love, mystery, into the mix and have just finished my second Regency murder mystery, Why Kill A Countess?. The books incorporate the three main characters in every story (or they will), Harriet Honeywood, her fiance/husband Viscount Talisker and their friend Mr. Charles Lampforth. They make quite a trio. There is a great deal of latitude in writing crime fiction in the period as there was no real police force, which is nice for me as I can be more creative with my slueths. My books incorporate a certain amount of humor. It's something that I can't stay away from (no matter how hard I try).
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
Hmm.. Harry Honeywood? Good question. She would have to be fiesty and outspoken and courageous. Carey Mulligan would be lovely. Or Emma Watson. As for Aubrey... so many gorgeous men to chose from. bA slight younger Clive Owen (Aubrey is only twenty-six), or Orlando Bloom? So hard... British actors are lovely.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
I can honestly say that I don't get writers block. I get plot block, perhaps, but I walk the dogs or something else (usually edit what I have already done) until I beat it into submission.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
Good and bad reviews are a fact of life. I had heaps of bad reviews on the editing in my books (well deserved) as I went through three different people before I managed to get it right. The forth time is a charm and my current edit is a whizz. She was one of the people who criticized and I offered her the job. I'm very glad she took me up on it. It can sting, having people dissect your work but it's a fact of life and people are allowed to have an opinion. It's equally lovely to hear good things and there is nothing that lifts me more than hearing that somebody enjoyed one of my books. Let's face it, they took the time. It means something when people take the time to say something nice. I am so appreciative.

I walk. I read (oh boy do I read - I am a book addict but then, what writer isn't?). I have a lovely family and I enjoy spending time with them and with equally lovely friends. I love to go to plays and enjoy my favorute ballets. My daughter is a fan as well so it's a girl thing. I would travel more if I had time but it is something I do when I can, especially as I tend to be able to write anywhere.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter into it, take with it your all.
What is your favorite book?
No. That's just too hard to answer. I have about... um... fifty favorite books. Or so many books I'm fond of that breaking them down into single digits would be impossible. I love all of Agatha Christie's works - she is the equivalent of author chicken soup whenever I am unwell. I just read what has become a new favorite book called The Rook by Daniel O'Malley but I know there will be many, many more.
Who is your favorite author?
Once again, so many! Amanda Quick, Julia Quinn, Suzanne Elizabeth Phillips. More mystery writers than you can shake a stick at. I've been reading the Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters and re-reading Ngaio Marsh once again. I suppose if I had to pick one, it would be Gorgette Heyer. Humor, excellent research and the most entertaining stories ever.
What is your favorite movie?
I don't really have one, actually. I'm more of a book person than a movie person. Probably the first Star Wars Trilogy. Oh, and I loved what they did with Lord Of The Rings. The first fantasy series I ever read and still one of the best.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Only one? Really? Okay. David Suzuki. Because he has an optimisim of the spirit which is genuinely inspiring.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
I was in Christchurch just after the earthquake that shook half the city down. Buildings were crumpled or missing completely. It looked like a ghost town in parts and completely normal in other parts. Whole areas were just deserted. It was interesting and more than a little disturbing. On the upside, I'm a complete sucker for Venice. I love it.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I had to give a talk when I'd written a young adult series for Pan Mac. I had a slide show thing as I thought props were the easiest way to go as I babbled my way through it and it wasn't until much snickering - and the third slide - that I realized I had the wrong power point open. Instead of perky bookcovers and the like, I was powering my way through my daughter's presentation on the Hun Empire. AND she had made her slides as eyecatching as possible because that's what high school kids do. There was blood. Lots of blood.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? White!
Coffee or tea? Both, in large amounts!
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Cooked to perfection.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Vanilla!
Pancakes or eggs? Eggs (but I do love a good pancake)
Sleep in or get up early? Late, please.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Desktop!!!
Kate is offering 3 copies of her first ebook Lord Sutton Dies and 3 copies of Why Kill A Countess?. All you have to do to be eligible is tell Kate if you prefer to stay up late (like her) or if you're an early bird. Don't forget to leave her your email address!