Tell us about your book(s)!
I love Historical Romance. I love the nineteenth century. So, what’s a girl like me to do? Write my own series! The first book in the Caversham Chronicles came out last November, and the second book, Already His, was released in May of this year. The third one, Loving Sarah, is scheduled for release in late November/early December. The fourth, Lucky’s Lady, is set for an early 2014 release.
Here’s a quickie blurb for each book!
The first book is Caversham’s Bride – It’s about Marcus Renfield Halden, ninth Duke of Caversham rescues a woman in a Moroccan slave market, and does what all nobles do–he marries her! This is the story of how he and his bride, Angelia Gualtiero, find happiness after first surviving the deadly obstacles placed in their way by their very own relatives.
The second book is Already His – It’s the story of the eldest of the duke’s two sisters, Lady Elise, and his best friend Michael Brightman, the Earl Camden. Elise has loved Michael since she was a young girl, and dreamed of a day they would marry. But jaded Michael accuses Elise of something horrible, breaking her heart. Once he recognizes his extreme error, he works hard to try and win back the one true and pure love he’d ever had.
The third book is Loving Sarah – This is the story of the duke’s youngest sister, Lady Sarah, and a friend of the family, Mr. Ian Ross-Mackeever, heir to the Earl Mackeever. Adventure-seeking Sarah intends to stowaway on her brother Lucky’s boat for the first ever Trans-Atlantic Challenge, a sailing race with a very large prize, but instead lands on his partner Ian’s boat. Ian isn’t ready for a wife and family yet, but cannot stop himself from falling for her, even knowing that loving her makes him vulnerable to his treacherous grandfather.
The fourth and final book of the Caversham Chronicles, is Lucky’s Lady. – This is Lucky’s book. Lucky is Luchino Francesco Antonio Gualtiero, the Conte di Loretto, and brother to the Duchess of Caversham. Lucky travels to Baltimore to have custom clippers built for he and Ian, so they can expand their tea import company. Mary-Michael Watkins is the wife of the shipyard owner and a naval architect who is desperate for a child of her own, and it is something that her dying husband wants her to have. Thinking to use Lucky to sire her child, she never counted on falling in love with him.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
You DO know we all do this, right? I’m afraid if I were to tell people who I want to see in the roles, then it might ruin the reader’s image of the character in their heads. But, I will say that I love my men tall, dark and handsome. Except for Paul Walker. Paul Walker could have purple hair and polka-dot eyes and I wouldn’t kick him out of my... kitchen!
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
YES! Sit there and keep writing. Even if what you’re writing is crap, keep writing. Someone once said, and I can’t remember who it was, but they were right – You can’t revise a blank page.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
I don’t read my reviews. I have enough stress in my life. :-) My husband does though. He LOVES to read them.

I go out and groom a horse. They all need grooming, and I haven’t done it enough this year.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
Just do it!
What is your favorite book?
Whitney My Love. Even with all the controversy Ms. McNaught created with the spanking scene, it’s by far my all time favorite.
Who is your favorite author?
Writing right now? Probably Stephanie Laurens and Loretta Chase. Of all time? Probably... I dunno... Stephen King is up there for sure.
What is your favorite movie?
Fools Rush In, with Matthew Perry and Salma Hayak. There are SO many similarities in that movie to me and my hubby. It was like watching a script written of our courtship.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
There is a musician that I would love to meet, but he doesn’t tour. So... unless I go knock on his door in Europe somewhere, it’ll never happen. And if I DID go knock on his door, then people will know what a dorky fan-girl I am of an aging 70’s rock icon (who is so totally freakin’ cool that I probably wouldn’t ever speak, just stare and his awesomeness and drool.)
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
Oh, I’ve had lots.... What would you like? Adventures in horse-hauling over mountains when you’re a flatlander? Or swimming with the stingrays in the Cayman Islands (eek, gross, but I did it for the kids!)? Or alone and lost in Rome with no credit cards because they were stolen?
What was your most embarrassing moment?
:-) I don’t remember them since they all involve copious amounts of alcohol.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red?Red - cheap, sweet and lots of it!
Coffee or tea? Tea. I’m a serious tea slut. I don’t drink coffee at all. My two current favorites are Keemun (black,) and Oolong (green) I don’t drink the stuff in the grocery stores, and usually order my tea online and have it imported. Yep. I have it that bad.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Even better. My husband has taken up cooking recently and loves to cook. Since I’ll eat anything, every night he cooks is a surprise! When he travels, he leaves me with lots of leftovers.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Bluebell Homemade Vanilla. We have it in Virginia now.
Pancakes or eggs? Eggs: two, over-easy, and two sausage patties. Every day, for... a very long time.
Sleep in or get up early? This is a no-brainer. Sleep in!
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop. I can work anywhere and everywhere! Except for the hot tub. I can’t work in the hot tub.
Sandy is giving away a $10 Amazon Gift Card to a Luck Reader! All you have to do to enter is answer the questions, "What your favorite romantic comedy movie is and pinpoint what it is you like about it" along with submitting your email address. Good Luck!!