. My first book is called A Man Above Reproach. It’s a historical romance set in 1830s London about a brothel called the Sleeping Dove and a Duke who finds himself enthralled with a piano-playing bluestocking. It’s my baby and it’s not even a year old yet, so I’m still very nervous-mother about it.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
· This question continues to nettle me because I can never come up with a satisfactory answer. Now when I’m asked, I post it on my Facebook page and steal answers from my friends. This time they cast Elias, The Duke of Lennox, as: Matthew Macfayden, Tom Hiddleston, Dame Edna, Nicholas Cage, Vin Diesel, and sweaty Matthew McConahey (specifically the ‘sweaty’ version and I have to assume bare-chested). I can’t account for my friends.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
· Write something else. I always have some projects in dock, some which will never see the light of day (and some that may). If I’m blocked on the current ‘alpha’ project, I just go to the little folder on my desktop and work on something I don’t have to feel so serious about.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
· This is my first time being exposed to such a wide dearth of reviews and it’s not something you can really prepare for in any sense. You can intellectualize until it’s your book. That said, I think reviewing is a very important part of the process, but it’s highly subjective and not for the weak-stomached. I read mine until I thought it was interfering with my creative process, and then I stopped. I think if you want to keep writing, you can’t hover over it. You can peek, but you can’t perch.

· Not easily. I find that wine helps, but my constitution is not what it used to be, so by glass two I’m talkative and tipsy but by four I am trashed and thus useless in the morning.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
· Done is the engine of more. The whole “Done Manifesto”: http://www.brepettis.com/blog/2009/3/3/the-cult-of-done-manifesto.html
What is your favorite book?
· An impossible question.
Who is your favorite author?
· Can I cheat and give a list? Saint Jane, Mr. Waugh, Mr. Wilde, Dorothy Parker, and Margaret Atwood.
What is your favorite movie?
· Citizen Kane (and Labyrinth and F for Fake and His Girl Friday and Hysteria and the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice). Sorry, I can’t control myself.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
· My first thought was I would like to talk to Aaron Burr because frankly, I have a lot of questions. Then I thought—that’s entirely selfish (because he’s just kind of my historical obsession) and this is a very serious question when you really examine it. To have the ability to talk to someone from the past could potentially benefit all of humanity in the modern timeline, so I don’t want to take it lightly. Ask again later?
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
· In my twenties, I went to Ireland for eight days with a mix of family, friends, and strangers. It was supposed to be a trip to connect with our heritage and I suppose it was, but the only thing it proved was that my heritage is verdant and belligerent. We stayed at a different bed and breakfast every night and drove around the whole country in what seemed like a terrifying whirlwind blur. I remember the countryside as mainly out of focus from the window of a car that was going too fast. We were in Dublin for St. Patrick’s Day and it was the one of worst experiences of my life. I kissed the Blarney Stone and later found out that the Irish like to piss and god knows what else on it, which in hindsight, I really should have figured out. There are a lot of pictures of me in rocky arches, atop freezing windy hillsides, on horses, and pursing sheep. The details are blurry. I was very drunk.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
· I have never been one to dwell.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? : Red
Coffee or tea? : Coffee
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery?: Cooking is leisure time, take out is busy time. Lately, take out.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? : Chocolate
Pancakes or eggs? : In deference to Leslie Knope, I must insist on waffles.
Sleep in or get up early? : Get up early
Laptop or desktop for writing? : Laptop, couch
Evelyn has GENEROUSLY offered to give a lucky contestant a copy of her novel on audio or paperback. For your chance to win, answer the question; What is the one thing that bothers you about the romance genre, no matter how much you LOVE it? GOOD LUCK, EVERYBODY!!!