Tell us about your book(s)!
My Sweet Deception series are traditional Regency romances. I’ve always loved the Regency time period and anything that has to do with Jane Austen. When I decided to begin writing I wrote The Five Kisses. It’s a novella because I wasn’t sure that I could write a full novel. I found my voice and loved the sweetness of the story and wanted to write more and more.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
Of course my first choice would be Jennifer Lawrence because she is very feminine and very strong. That’s the way I like to envision my heroines.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
One of my tricks is to stop writing for the day in mid sentence. Then when you start up the next day you can finish the sentence and it helps you get back into the story. One thing to remember is that a good writer is a good reviser. Get your words on paper. You can always polish them later but if you don’t get them on paper you have nothing to revise.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
I try not to look at my reviews. Reviewing is always subjective and you can never tell how your words will strike the reader. As a writer all I can do is try to do my best work and hope that whoever reads my books will enjoy them. I try to paint a picture and tell a story about a relationship. My stories are about finding a friend and building to a loving relationship

How do you relax?
Reading and movies are my passion. Next is playing golf or bridge with my husband.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
What is your favorite book?
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas. I think I’ve read it a hundred times. I recently reread it and found it much more wordy than I remembered but I still enjoyed it. Great love story and a wonderful swashbuckling adventure.
Who is your favorite author?
Jane Austen and Agatha Christie. Love and murder make a great combination.
What is your favorite movie?
I have two favorites: Witness and The Last Samurai. I’ve always enjoyed a great love story but friendship has always been an important part of that. The friendship between Tom Cruise as a broken soldier and the strong Samurai who heals him is totally engrossing and heartrending.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Sarah Siddons, the famous British actress. I did a lot of research on the theater for The Masked Heart and I found Mrs. Siddons fascinating. She was accepted in society in a time when women in the theater were consider nothing more than women of loose morals. She was a wife and mother and a great tragic actress.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
When I graduated from high school, I and three other friends took a two month trip to Europe. We were four unsophisticated girls who’d never gone anywhere without our parents. We managed on a shoestring budget and I learned that I could survive on my own especially when I had friends to consult with. We to have a wonderfully fun time visiting the treasures of Europe.
Lighting Round:
White wine or red? Red wine.
Coffee or tea? Tea with lemon not milk.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery?Order take-out or delivery! For some reason my husband seems to think we should have dinner every night. It would be lovely if I could break him of that habit.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Chocolate mint chip ice cream is the only ice cream!!
Pancakes or eggs? Eggs.
Sleep in or get up early? I’m definitely a sleep in girl. One of the reasons I wanted to be a writer was because I wouldn’t have to get up early for work.
Laptop or desktop for writing? I have both but I love working on my desktop so I can see the whole page written out. Reading for me is very visual so I like to see the whole page to make sure it’s not too dense. I like a lot of dialogue and not long paragraphs of narrative.