What’s this? It’s Mommy’s toy. She spends all day staring at the screen and pressing buttons. I like pressing buttons. Mommy calls it ‘typing’ and she does it all the time, so it must be fun.
Usually when I hit a button though, music plays or lights flash. Here, there’s only squiggles appearing on a screen.
This is disappointing.
Oh, wait! Those squiggles actually make up questions! I can totally answer questions. I have a ton of my own — what is life? Why are toes? How do I get that small thing on the floor into my mouth?
But I bet Mommy would love it if I answered her questions for her. It would let her nap longer. And naps are freaking awesome.
Writing Related:
Tell us about your book!
Well, it’s purple. I know that much. There’s a lady on the cover in a blue dress. And some words. And my Mommy’s name!
Hold on, I think I found a file on Mommy’s toy. If I could read I’d think the file would say “Game and the Governess Blurb.”
I’m so excited the first book in my new Winner Takes All series, The Game and the Governess, is out now! A daring wager between friends has unexpected stakes…
As the Earl of Ashby, luck has never been in short supply for Lord Edward Granville, earning him the nickname “Lucky Ned.” Why should he not take risks most sensible men would run from, since the tide always turns in his favor? Making a wager that he can have any woman he desires even without his title, Ned switches places with John Turner—Ned’s friend and secretary. But once he does, his luck suddenly abandons him, for the ladies now have eyes only for Turner. But when Ned meets governess Phoebe Baker, he becomes intent on gaining her affections.
Phoebe wants nothing more than to keep her head down, teach her students, and go unnoticed -- especially by the Earl of Ashby. But his rakish secretary has the infuriating habit of constantly crossing her path. Yet Phoebe cannot deny that her pulse quickens in Ned’s presence. If this prim-and-proper governess lets her heart rule, will fate intervene where Ned’s luck has forsaken him?
Who was your Greatest inspiration in helping you develop your writing career?
There’s all these books that I keep trying to put in my mouth that has the name “Jane Austen” on the cover. I’m gonna bet she’s a friend of my mom’s.
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
I don’t know my mom’s opinion, but I’m a fan of Elmo.
Elmo can do anything.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Cry. Whenever I get frustrated with anything, I cry, and then my parents come and do what I want them to do. Problem solved!
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
I’m a baby. I’ve never had a bad review.

I like to kick things. And I like to gum my hands. They’re tasty.
What is your favorite book?
Currently I’m really into Click Clack Moo. The twist at the end is Hitchcockian!
The food you couldn’t live without?
Gonna go with milk on this one, Alex.
The BEST thing about you?
I’m a baby! I’m completely dependent on my parents to live and it’s AWESOME.
One place you’ve never been, but ALWAYS wanted to go?
I hear wonderful things about this ‘school’ my mommy keeps talking about. Apparently she can’t wait until I’m old enough to go.
One thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
How mature I am for my age. I mean, I can already suck my thumb.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
I need to have words with Dr. Seuss. Preferably real words.
If you weren’t an author what would be your next choice of career?
I dunno. I could be president. I could also drive an awesome dump truck. I’m currently heavily involved with finding out where my feet are at all times, so the possibilities are endless!
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
Down the birth canal.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
See previous question.
Lightning Round:
White wine or red? Milk
Coffee or tea? Milk
Pancakes or eggs? Milk
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Milk is both take out *and* delivery!
Outdoorsman or homebody? Homebody. Until I can walk, that is.
City Life or Country Life? Nursery Life.
Do you prefer to live in hot weather or cold weather? Considering I was born in summer, I’ve only really known hot. Check with me again in 6 months.
Dog Lover or Cat Fan? Tough to choose. They both have tails. Tails can be pulled.
Sleep in or get up early? Early! The world is so fascinating at 4 am.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Currently I *think* I’m typing on a laptop, but I can’t sit up yet, so I’ve never really had a lap.
oh… hold on… Mommy’s stirring. I should put her toy back before she wakes up so she’s not suspicious.
Baby out.
Kate would like to offer one copy of the Game and the Governess, to a US resident. All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is answer the question; Who’s typing on your computer when you take a nap? GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!