Tell us about your book(s)!
I write everything! I think it's because I have a really short attention span! I started writing regency romance to begin with then dipped my toe into the whole New Adult genre and have been pumping out those books for the past few months. My newest release is the sequel to The Bet. It's entitled "The Wager." It's a New Adult book about a jr high crush that followed a girl into adulthood, only the crush comes back full force when she realizes she's been paired up with said crush for her best friends wedding. I'm really excited about it!
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
My most recent book was Ruin. The main character kind of reminds me of Alex Pettifyer ;) Im a huge fan of the accent so I think it would work.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Keep writing! I tell people that all the time. You can't just sit there and stare at your computer, it's probably why I write in so many genres. When something isn't working for me in regency world, I switch it up and do a few chapters in my rocker romance. You can drive yourself crazy by staring at that little cursor in Microsoft Word. Believe me, I've threatned to throw my computer so many times it isn't even funny anymore...When all else fails--Wine. Drink Wine.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
When I recieved my first bad review, I cried--real ugly sprawled out onto my bed, the world is going to end--tears. But since then, I've grown accustomed to them, you can't please everyone. Regardless, you're going to have critics or people that hate your book because it really isn't there thing. The only thing you can control is how you react to the bad and good reviews. Now, instead of crying, I read them, thank them, and then usually try to fix whatever they didn't like in my next book.

How do you relax?
I read! I know it sounds ridiculous, you write for ten straight hours and then read? Really? But reading takes me to my happy place. In a perfect world I'd be able to read and write all day and my Starbucks cup would never get empty.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
What is your favorite book
Who is your favorite author? Wow, tough questions. I love love LOVE Julie Lessman, Julia Quinn, Rose Gordan, Elizabeth Hoyt, Abbi Glines, and the list truly does go on...
What is your favorite movie?
Anything Disney...and anything with characters that break out into song! Love Finding Nemo, The Princess Bride, and The Notebook.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
I would have loved to meet Jane Austen. She was such a game changer for female authors, really I'd just like to meet her and say thank you.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken? This last year all the women in my family (nine of us including my 86 year old Grandma) went to the UK. It started as a research trip then turned into a girls trip. Within hours we were known as "That group" or "The Americans," Im ashamed to admit how much luggage each of us took--and don't even get me started on the fact that my cousin couldn't flush her own toilet so needed assistance from the bellman. By the end of the ten days I was ready to wear a blinking sign that said "lost" I had to ask for directions so many times and I felt more stupid each time I asked...the good news...the Scottish took pity on us and were often found reading maps for our benefit...LOVE YOU SCOTLAND!
What was your most embarrassing moment? My entire life is an embarrassing moment. If theres an opportunity for embarrassment I'll somehow find a way to accomplish it. But my worst moment was when I was in 8th grade. I was all excited because I had my brand new first day of school clothes on, it's possible I was feeling kind of cocky, I mean my vest was yellow and it was from Old Navy and it was awesome. The school had everyone go bowling the first day, so my yellow vest and I made an afternoon of it. When it was finally time for my sister to pick me up, I grabbed my stuff, ran outside and rode home with her only to discover that I'd stolen the bowling shoes and left my new boots. She had to drive me back, by the time I got to the bowling alley the only people that were left were the cool "boys" in my class. Guess what they had in their lap? My shoes. Awesome. Maybe that's why I have a boot fetish to this day? Yes, let's blame 8th grade.
Lighting Round
White wine or red? Red
Coffee or tea? COFFEE (What's tea?)
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? I LOVE cooking (I'm a huge soup fan), but I also really like going out with my husband and discovering new places to eat.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Chocolate. Always Chocolate.
Pancakes or eggs? I can't eat gluten...Eggs all the way.
Sleep in or get up early? I'd so much rather get up early.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop! Macbook air, it fits in my purse ;)
Rachel is giving away a $15.00 Giftcard to a Lucky reader. All you have to do to enter is answer the question, "What your favorite type of male Hero? Make sure to leave us your email in the comment section! Good Luck!!