Tell us about your book(s)!
In May I started a new Regency romance series called "The Haberdashers" about three young women who started a "boys club" when they were little because they thought boys have more fun. So they grew up riding, shooting, fencing, and generally being tomboys out in the country. Now they are all grown up and expected to marry. The first book, Trials of Artemis, is about Jacqueline "Jack" Walters. At the start of the book she is going into her third Season in London without any serious marriage prospects. Tall, intelligent, and serious, she doesn't expect that this Season will turn out any better than the last two and is hoping that she can claim her spinsterhood and be done with it. Well, it doesn't work out like that at all. If you like bookish girls and bad boys that can be so, so good, then Jack and Gideon's story is for you. Check out Trials of Artemis at Amazon!
The second book, Athena's Ordeal, will be out on August 31st and is about Sabrina "Sabre" Bittlesworth, the leader of the Haberdashers. Her friends call her "Little Wellington" because of her incredibly strategic mind. She has just returned from a tour of the continent and hasn't even had a chance to settle in before someone says something unconscionable to her and she challenges him to a duel. If you like Girl Power and angelic boys who know how to bring down the righteous when necessary, then Sabre and Quince are your cup of tea. Check out Athena's Ordeal at Amazon!
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
We had a debate about casting on my Twitter stream. Older versions of Quince and Sabre could be Jude Law and Salma Hayek (with a British accent). If anyone has suggestions for a 28-ish Quince and 19-ish Sabre I'd be delighted to hear about it. Hopefully we will be on www.storycasting.com soon.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Tell 20,000+ people that you're publishing by a certain date. Actually, I don't have much problem with writer's block. I have bigger problems with writer's laziness. My biggest learning over the past year is yes, I really do need daily word goals. It worked well, let's just keep doing that.
What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?
Wow, great question. From the perspective on how they affect writers, I wrote about that on my blog. On a more personal level, I love great reviews and try to ignore bad ones. Reviews are one of the many reasons I'm glad that I didn't have success when I was younger and my fragile little ego couldn't take it. Now my ego is tough like dragon scales and I can just say "Whatevs" and move on.
From a more practical and strategic standpoint, I have been hearing a lot about false negative (and false positive) reviews. I wish people would stop stuff like this. Sheesh. Be professional, people.

Once I can figure that out I'll feel a lot better. No, but seriously... reading, drawing, playing with the pets, wandering around in the nature, and staring into the middle distance while thinking. Sometimes we escape to a cabin by the river where I can pretty much do all of those things at once.
What is your favorite motivational phrase?
You can do eeeeet! (I may have watched one too many Adam Sandler movies.)
What is your favorite book?
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. I've never read any book as many times as I've read that one. I'm sorry, since this is a romance blog, should I have answered with my favorite romance book? The Fortune Hunter by Diane Farr. Out of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of historical romance books I've read that one still stands out as my favorite.
Who is your favorite author?
Oscar Wilde. No one can turn a phrase quite like Oscar. I have the Oscar Wilde action figure in my office (not my writing office at home, mind you, my accounting office at work), along with his quote "Life is too important to be taken seriously." All of my favorite authors are witty: Mark Twain, Douglas Adams, G.K. Chesterton... But if we want to get into second favorite authors then the list gets much longer and more diverse. That's where you find all the authors I love in the romance, mystery, thriller, horror... ok, basically I read all genres. I read everything. I like words, and I especially like people who can put them together well. As Steve Martin said, "Some people have a way with words and others... not have way." If you have a way with words I want to be your best friend. Or at least buy all your books.
What is your favorite movie?
Probably Galaxy Quest, followed by Miss Congeniality and Legally Blonde. I also loved Spaced Invaders. (Yes, my answer to everything will be humor, humor, humor.) Hubs and I are huge fans of Rom-Coms and watch some of them over and over: Sweet Home Alabama, Two Weeks Notice, While You Were Sleeping (that is my official holiday cookie baking movie), Just Like Heaven, Deliver Us From Eva, This Means War, The Bounty Hunter... We also watch a ton of science fiction, action adventure... ok, we watch all the movies. We own over 1,000 movies on dvd. It might be over 2,000 now. I'm afraid to count.
Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
Richard III. I want to know what he was really like. I went through a huge War of the Roses nerd period and am on the side of believing that Richard was actually an honorable man caught up in terrible circumstances and he trusted some of the wrong people. But I'd like to know if I'm right. And if I am then I would personally visit every single anti-Richard III academic and set the record straight.
What is the most interesting trip you have ever taken?
Sailing through the Exhumas in the Bahamas on a 42 foot sailboat for an ecology field trip in college. Amazing stuff. Our own little Jimmy Buffet experience. My husband was a teaching assistant on the trip.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I have no good stories so will skip this one. If I fall on my face tomorrow I'll drop you a line.
Lighting Round...
White wine or red? White. But I'll take whatever you're serving. I don't drink enough to be picky.
Coffee or tea? Yes, please. I love both, although I'm on a pretty big tea kick after reading and writing all these Regency romances.
Cook dinner or order take-out/delivery? Cook dinner.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream? Chocolate.
Pancakes or eggs? Pancakes. With berry syrup.
Sleep in or get up early? Sleep in. Always sleep in.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop. I can write anywhere. Everywhere.
Thanks again for joining us today, Sue!
To keep up with Sue, like her Facebook page!